Flag Colors of the world


Togo Flag Color Codes

Togo flag color codes HTML HEX, RGB, PANTONE, HSL, CMYK, HWB & NCOL

Togo flag color codes features five equal horizontal bands colored green, yellow, red, white and green. This bright tri-color flag is rich in pan-African symbolism. If you need to recreate the distinctive hues of the Togo flag for any digital graphic or design project, it’s essential to use the precise Togo flag color codes. This article provides the specific color values for the Togo flag in HTML HEX, RGB, PANTONE, HSL, CMYK, HWB and NCOL formats. With the accurate Togo flag color codes, you can render the five vibrant stripes – green, yellow, red, white and green – correctly when depicting this West African country’s national banner.

What are the colors of Togo flag?

The four colors in the Togo flag are:

  • Green – There are two equal green horizontal stripes, one at the top and one at the bottom of the flag.
  • Yellow – The second stripe from the top and bottom is colored yellow.
  • Red – The middle stripe is red in color.
  • White – The fourth stripe is white, between the lower yellow and red stripes.

So in summary, the national flag of Togo has five equal width horizontal stripes in order – green, yellow, red, white and green from top to bottom. Out of these, green, yellow, red and white are the four distinct colors represented.

Togo flag color codes & Color Names:


Color ModelValue
RGBRGB(0, 106, 78)
HSLHSL(161, 100%, 21%)
CMYKCMYK(100%, 0%, 26%, 58%)
HWBHWB(161, 26%, 58%)
NCOLNot applicable


Color ModelValue
RGBRGB(255, 209, 0)
HSLHSL(45, 100%, 50%)
CMYKCMYK(0%, 18%, 100%, 0%)
HWBHWB(45, 0%, 0%)
NCOLNot applicable


Color ModelValue
RGBRGB(220, 30, 53)
HSLHSL(351, 76%, 47%)
CMYKCMYK(0%, 86%, 76%, 14%)
HWBHWB(351, 76%, 14%)
NCOLNot applicable


Color ModelValue
RGBRGB(255, 255, 255)
PANTONEPantone White
HSLHSL(0, 0%, 100%)
CMYKCMYK(0%, 0%, 0%, 0%)
HWBHWB(0, 100%, 0%)
NCOLNot applicable

What is the meaning of colors in the Togo flag?

The flag of Togo consists of four horizontal stripes of green, yellow, and red, with white stripes separating them. Each color on the flag holds symbolic significance:

  • Green: The green stripe represents the country’s agricultural wealth and the hope for a bright future. It reflects the lush vegetation and fertile land of Togo.
  • Yellow: The yellow stripe symbolizes the mineral wealth of the nation, particularly phosphates. Phosphates are an essential natural resource and an important export product for Togo.
  • Red: The red stripe represents the struggle for independence and the bloodshed of those who fought for freedom. It is a symbol of the nation’s history and the determination of its people.
  • White: The white stripes separate the green, yellow, and red bands, representing purity and the desire for peace. White is often associated with peace and harmony in flag symbolism.

The combination of these colors on the Togo flag reflects the country’s natural resources, history, and aspirations for a peaceful and prosperous future. The design and symbolism were adopted when Togo gained independence from French-administered United Nations trusteeship on April 27, 1960.

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FAQs: Frequently Asked Questions:

Is Togo a rich or Poor country?

Togo is generally classified as a lower-middle-income country, and it faces economic challenges. The classification of a country as “rich” or “poor” can depend on various factors, including economic indicators, income distribution, and living standards.
Togo’s economy is characterized by a mix of agriculture, mining, commerce, and services. The country has a relatively small and developing economy, and it is considered among the less economically developed nations. Key economic sectors in Togo include agriculture, which employs a significant portion of the population, as well as phosphate mining and other industries.

What is Togo famous for?

Togo, a West African country, is known for several aspects that contribute to its cultural, historical, and natural significance. Here are some features for which Togo is often recognized:
Vibrant Culture and Traditions:
Togo is home to a diverse range of ethnic groups, each with its own cultural traditions, languages, and customs. The country’s cultural richness is reflected in its festivals, music, dance, and art.
Lomé: Capital City and Maritime Hub:
Lomé, the capital and largest city of Togo, is a vibrant urban center known for its markets, colonial architecture, and the bustling Grand Marché. It serves as a major port city along the Gulf of Guinea.
Beautiful Beaches:
Togo has a coastline along the Gulf of Guinea, offering beautiful beaches. Popular coastal areas, such as Ancho and Baguida, attract both locals and tourists for relaxation and water activities.

What religion is Togo?

Togo is characterized by religious diversity, and the population practices a variety of religions. The major religions in Togo include:
Traditional African Religions:
A significant portion of the population in Togo adheres to traditional African religions. These belief systems often involve the veneration of ancestors, spirits, and natural forces.
Christianity is widely practiced in Togo, with both Roman Catholicism and various Protestant denominations having a significant presence. Churches and Christian communities play an important role in the social and cultural life of the country.
Islam is followed by a minority of the population in Togo, particularly in the northern regions of the country. Togo has a Muslim community that includes both Sunni and Sufi traditions.

Is Togo safe country?

Togo, like many countries, has areas that are generally safe for travel, but travelers should be aware of certain safety considerations. Travel advisories and safety conditions can change, so it’s important to check for the latest information before planning a trip. Here are some factors to consider regarding safety in Togo:
Security Situation:
Togo is generally considered safe for travelers, and many visitors experience no issues during their stay. However, travelers should stay informed about the security situation, particularly in certain regions.
Political Stability:
Togo has experienced periods of political unrest in the past. While the country has made efforts to maintain stability, it’s advisable to stay updated on the political situation and any potential demonstrations or protests.

What is the biggest problem in Togo?

Togo faces various challenges, and the identification of the “biggest problem” can depend on different perspectives. Some of the key challenges include:
Political Stability:
Togo has experienced periods of political instability and social unrest. Issues related to governance, political freedoms, and electoral processes have been points of concern.
Economic Development:
Togo is classified as a lower-middle-income country, and economic development remains a priority. Diversification of the economy, addressing poverty, and promoting sustainable development are ongoing challenges.
Healthcare and Disease Prevention:
Like many countries, Togo faces health challenges, including the need for adequate healthcare infrastructure, disease prevention, and access to essential medical services.
Ensuring access to quality education for all remains a significant challenge. Improving educational infrastructure and addressing issues related to literacy and enrollment are ongoing priorities.

What is the main food of Togo?

The cuisine of Togo is diverse and influenced by the traditions of various ethnic groups. Some of the staple foods commonly found in Togolese cuisine include:
Maize (Corn): Maize is a staple food in Togo and is often used to make various dishes, including porridges, maize-based dough (like banku or akume), and corn-based snacks.
Yams: Yams are a significant part of the Togolese diet and are used in various dishes. Togo is known for the cultivation of different yam varieties.
Cassava: Cassava, another root crop, is widely used in Togolese cuisine. It is often processed into a dough called fufu, which is served alongside soups and stews.

Is Togo cheap to live?

Togo is generally considered to have a lower cost of living compared to many Western countries. However, the affordability of living in Togo can vary depending on factors such as lifestyle, location, and personal preferences. Here are some aspects to consider regarding the cost of living in Togo:
Rent and housing expenses can be relatively affordable in Togo, particularly in comparison to more expensive cities in other parts of the world.
Food prices, especially for locally produced items, can be reasonable. Markets and local vendors offer a variety of fresh produce and ingredients at affordable prices.
Public transportation costs, including buses and shared taxis, are generally lower than in many Western countries. However, the availability and reliability of public transportation may vary.

What are the problems in Togo?

Togo faces various challenges, encompassing economic, social, and political dimensions. Some of the key issues include:
Political Stability:
Togo has experienced periods of political instability and protests. Concerns related to governance, political freedoms, and electoral processes have been points of contention.
Economic Development:
Despite efforts to diversify the economy, Togo faces challenges related to economic development, including the need for sustainable growth, job creation, and poverty reduction.
Access to healthcare services, particularly in rural areas, is a challenge. The country also faces health issues such as the prevalence of tropical diseases.
Education challenges include issues of accessibility, quality, and infrastructure. Efforts are needed to improve educational outcomes and address literacy rates.

Is Togo hot or cold?

Togo has a tropical climate, and temperatures are generally warm to hot throughout the year. The country is situated close to the equator, and its climate is influenced by its equatorial location. The key features of Togo’s climate include:
High Temperatures: Togo experiences high temperatures, especially during the daytime. Daytime temperatures often range from warm to hot.
High Humidity: The climate is characterized by high humidity, particularly in forested areas. Humidity levels contribute to the tropical nature of the climate.
Seasonal Rainfall: Togo has a tropical wet and dry climate with distinct rainy and dry seasons. The rainy seasons typically occur from March to July and September to November. During these periods, there is an increase in precipitation.